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Greetings from The Downtown Church! This is a bi-weekly email with information about events, updates, and other fun things from the leadership of the church.

Whether you worshipped with us online or in person, I hope your Easter was an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful life-changing news of the Risen Christ. God rolled the stone away! Nothing can separate us from God’s love. In the past year, we have had to rethink how we share the Gospel and what it means to be the Body of Christ now and in the future. Our Board has been meeting and thinking about these vitally important questions.

Our mission, vision, and values have not changed. It's important that we keep them in front of us, so let me remind us of them:

  • Our Mission: Making new disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
  • Our Vision: The Downtown Church meets in the middle of rich & poor, young & old, believers & nonbelievers. A place where Christ and the community intersect.
  • Our values: Community, Acceptance, Spiritual Growth, Creativity, Reflection
The board adopted the following goals for The Downtown Church this year. These goals will give us a way of aligning our resources and efforts.
  1. Mature and Maintain Our Online Presence: Staying focused on our current platforms, we will go deeper with more content and stay abreast of other opportunities
  2. Define a Maintenance Master Plan: Address short term needs so we can better offer our facility for the community and form a long-term plan for previously deferred and ongoing maintenance needs.
  3. Foster new discipleship pathways: TDC highly values being multigenerational. Particular focus will be given to children and youth as we seek a new coordinator for The Downtown Kids.

Please let us hear from you with any comments or questions. I am grateful for spring, for new beginnings, for a way forward as we continue to let Love lead.

See you Sunday in person or online, Lori

We're going to be looking at the Ten Commandments during our next series and Pastor Lori is going to be leading a small group study on these ancient words and how they can provide new meaning and an abundant life for us today. There will be two options for the 5-week study; Wednesday, April 21, at 10am or Wednesday, April 21, at 6:30pm. Let us know if you'd like to join either group.
April is our month to provide a weekend of food for the homeless and at-risk youth served by our downtown neighbors, Rare Breed. Please pick up some items from the list in the hall at church, or pickup any individually packaged food, and drop them off at the church during our office hours or call and set up a time more convenient for you.
As a downtown church, there are always fun and exciting things happening around us! And many times, we are called upon to help with some of the iconic events. The Downtown Springfield Association has asked if we could help setup for Artsfest on Friday, April 30. We're looking for volunteers to help in two shifts: from 3-5pm and 6-8pm. Let's step up, church, and provide support as we slowly get back to normal. Just email us back if you can help!
We're looking for the next great teammate at The Downtown Church. The Coordinator of The Downtown Kids needs to be someone who has a heart for kids and youth, values the importance of faith in Jesus Christ, and works well with others, we have a great part-time opportunity. If you are this person, or know someone who might be, shoot Pastor Lori an email or call the church office for more information.
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