The past three weeks I have been facilitating two small groups. At the end of the meeting, we leave enough time for each person to share an answer to the question, “Where have you seen God lately.” It is my favorite time of the evening as we hear stories of God moments that have happened since we last met.
So often the stories have to do with God revealing something beautiful in nature. This past week I heard about hummingbirds, cardinals, a walk to soothe the soul, and even (I had to gulp) a black snake in a field minding its own business. Someone talked about watching as newly sown grass pushed up from beneath and moved mulch out of the way. Lakes, rivers, and pink and white dogwoods that survived our unexpected April snow all are ways God has shown up in the everyday.
I discovered something as I drove to The Downtown Church today. These stories are causing me to be more observant of the world around me. A stop at the light gave me a moment to notice the trees in the yard next to me. A slow moving car brought the blooming of flowers in someone’s yard to my attention. I am expectantly looking for the songbirds that have come back and a hummingbird or two. The flowers planted in front of our church bring evidence of spring and hope and life and God.
And that is the purpose of the question - become more adept at seeing the goodness of God. Where have you seen God lately?
See you Sunday, online or in-person, Lori