As the sun was rising this morning, I was doing what I usually do – sitting in my blue chair, drinking entirely too much coffee, reading online news and my devotions. Each morning, I read Fr. Richard Rohr’s email expecting to be challenged to think differently. Today I read: light is not something you necessarily see; it is something that allows you to see other things.
I watched as the light of the sunrise allowed me to see the trees, flowers, and birds outside my windows. And I began to wonder, what does loving and following Jesus, the light of the world, allow me to see during a time when it seems there is so much darkness?
With Jesus casting his light, I can see the good in the world. There are many people doing everything they can to provide students with an education. I can see the enormous amount of caregivers who, despite their frustration and exhaustion, don’t walk away from their jobs, but roll up their sleeves and serve each day. I can see a family in my office talking with me about joining The Downtown Church, bringing their beautiful baby to be baptized, giving us the honor of being their church family. I can see a college student coming to talk about our church and her desire to be part of it as she navigates the challenges of school.
Today, I am intentionally going to spend more time looking for what the light of Jesus allows me to see. Yes, Jesus will show me the difficulties – they are never to be ignored. Jesus will show me where I need to be invested in engaging with him in the redemption of the world. And Jesus will allow me to see the good, the kindness, the hope, and the beauty if I will only open my eyes.
See you Sunday, online or in person, Lori