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Greetings from The Downtown Church! This is a bi-weekly email with information about events, updates, and other fun things from the leadership of the church.

I hope you had a chance to catch one of the screenings of the documentary, Join or Die, at The Moxie last weekend. I enjoyed seeing the film again and was reminded of the power of personal connections, and our call as Christians to build bridges, not barriers. And as we move into the fall, I hope you will consider the ways you can connect with your neighbors and your church.

Sunday worship doesn't happen by accident. There's a lot of planning and preparing that happens. There is a large group of volunteers that do a whole host of things: lead music, manage the A/V, greet people, brew coffee, prepare communion, help with the kids, and on and on and on.

If you are looking for a place to connect, I hope you will consider the ways you can make a difference here at The Downtown Church. When we join together, heading in one direction, with a shared passion and vision, we can change the world. But first, it starts with the people right around you, the businesses and communities where we work and play, and the churches we call home.

See you Sunday,

P.S. - Read on below and make plans to join us for Pizza Night!

Our last warm weather First Friday Art Walk Party will take place on September 6th, from 6-8pm! Join us for some fun kids activities, delicious refreshments, and live jazz from Caduceus! And rumor has it that the band's biggest fan, a now-retired former pastor at The Downtown Church, might be in attendance. Hope to see you all for this fun, FREE night of entertainment.
Help us meet the needs of McGregor Elementary with a Wipe Out! We are collecting tissues, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant wipes to help keep the kids and staff clean and healthy as they head into the fall. Bring the items to church any Sunday and we will take them all over to the school at the end of September. Thank you for your help as we continue to provide what we can for our closest elementary school.
We are planning for our very own Pizza Night at Millsap Farm again! Last year we got rained out, so pray for some amazing fall weather so we can gather together for good music, great pizza, and wonderful company. You can sign up on Sundays in the bulletin or you can RSVP at this link. The church will cover the pizza, you just need to bring your own drinks and some chairs to sit on.
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