I spent time this morning with my 5 year old grandson Calvin. He was home with a stomach bug his younger sister had kindly shared with him. His dad works from home, his mom is a teacher and I had enough flexibility in my schedule today to stick around and watch him. After enjoying “Where’s Nemo?” for the jillioninth time (actually, my idea) we did something else he loves to do. We worked our way through a “Where’s Waldo” book.
Calvin has this book mastered. We have done it so often that it only takes a moment when we turn the page for him to find the tall, thin, red and white-hatted boy, Waldo, in the busy page. While I am still trying to remember where we saw him the last time we did the book, Calvin is ready to move on. “Wait, wait,” is coming out of my mouth while he is pointing and saying, “Mimi, he’s right there, turn the page!”
Metaphor time. What would happen if we took a lesson from Calviin and became adept at looking for God? What if, rather than wondering where God is in the middle of the chaos and confusion of each day, we honed our skills and expected to find God right there, smack dab in the center of it all? God is not trying to hide from us, we forget to look. God hasn’t walked off the page, God is evident. And then once we have seen God, once we know for sure where God is, even if someone else had to point the Presence out to us, we could simply breathe a sigh of gratitude and turn another page.
See you Sunday, online or in person, Lori