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Greetings from The Downtown Church! This is a bi-weekly email with information about events, updates, and other fun things from the leadership of the church.

As I thought about writing my first News from the Pews for 2022, I debated changing the name. Grouch from the Couch. Reflections from the Recliner. Words from the Walker. I am home recovering from a left Total Knee Replacement surgery, and am happy to report each day I am improving. Mobility is still a bit shaky, but my pain is minimal and thanks to good old ice, my swelling is diminishing. I go to physical therapy a couple of times a week, but every two hours I need to get up and do my exercises in order to improve.

When the physical therapist first asked me what my goals were for recovery, I think I just stared at her. My goals? Well, obviously to get through this. But then I thought of others. To walk without pain. To be able to bend and straighten back up. To resume my life. But the Holy Spirit is teaching me about other goals, if I will open myself to the change that comes from going through a difficult time. 

I’ve got several goals:

  • To understand what it is like to depend on a walker for stability and mobility.
  • To need others who are providing cards, flowers, meals and helping me with basic needs until I can do them on my own.
  • To feel the presence of God through the prayers being lifted on my behalf.
  • To understand the miracle of modern medicine that is able to repair and renew what was broken.
  • To watch with awe the way The Downtown Church continues to love God and to love neighbors day after day, week after week
  • To live with gratitude.


We're beginning a new series this Sunday, in worship and our Sunday morning group, called Faith and Doubt. We're excited to look at the relationship of these two seemingly dissonant words. Join us as we discover new ways to discover God. The Sunday morning groups starts at 9:15am, online or in person, with childcare available at church.
We've mentioned it before, but our plan is to release an online church directory this month. We are putting the finishing touches on it, so consider this your last call to be included in version 1.0. If you need help, feel free to contact the church and Keith can walk you through it. You can fill out the information and upload a picture on our website.
Thank you for your generosity this Christmas season, as together, we are giving over $9000 dollars to support the Council of Churches of the Ozarks and its many ministries, including Crosslines Food Pantry! We think it is SO important for different churches and denominations to come together and support the people of this community.
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