My first letter as your lead pastor, so what should I write about? I probably shouldn't mention that I forgot to write a News from the Pews two weeks ago. Whoops! I suppose that just lets you all in on the secret that I don't have it all together. Maybe I don't totally know what I'm doing in this new role as lead pastor. I've always had Lori alongside me to answer questions, provide guidance, and to bounce ideas back and forth.
That's not to say she and I haven't talked several times since I started, but this is new ground. We were a team for 10 years and the team at The Downtown Church looks different. Sometimes change is scary, but I'm a big believer in the idea that change can be good! It's all about perspective. And from where I'm sitting now, things are looking pretty great. And it's because of the way you all have rallied around me and the rest of the staff. You've made us feel welcomed, encouraged, and strengthened by your words, smiles, and kindness.
A church is not the pastor or the staff. A church is the people, all working together to pursue the ways of Jesus. And if these first few weeks have reaffirmed anything, it's how grateful and thankful I am for such a kind and generous congregation. My prayer is these next few months lead you to the same conclusion. A people united, moving in the same direction, to love and serve all of God's people. Change is good. Let's embrace it!
See you Sunday, Brian