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Greetings from The Downtown Church! This is a bi-weekly email with information about events, updates, and other fun things from the leadership of the church.

Today Ben and I have an appointment to update our wills. I am not thrilled about this. It requires thinking about a time when we will no longer be on this planet with the people we love. It means thinking beyond today where we are able bodied and able to take care of ourselves to a time when that may no longer be possible. With three grown children who love us and want the best for us and one another, we don't need to be concerned with how they will manage. They’ll do well. Yet, it’s difficult to realize we are in the last season of our lives. What will be our legacy?

Wills are important. They have to do with the stuff. The dispersal of our assets. That sounds a bit cold. The truth is for Ben and I we desire that those assets be invested in the future to help people love God and love their neighbor. We want to do the best we can now to be able to rest in the knowledge that our resources will continue to work with Jesus in the redemption and restoration of the world. When Ben and I are home with Jesus, our legacy in word and deed will be in the people we loved and who loved us, in both the lives we were able to know now and those we will never meet. Today will be time well spent.

Every time I enter the sanctuary, I'm reminded that The Downtown Church is here today as a result of the legacy of others. Generations have passed through our doors and generations more are growing in faith and learning to love God and neighbor here. And I wonder, what will our legacy be?

See you Sunday,

We are soooooo excited to be able to break bread together, in person, to celebrate Easter this year! We'll have a breakfast and everyone is invited, we just need to know how many we are feeding. You can let us know in the bulletin on Sundays or you can fill out this easy online form.
Every Wednesday during Lent, we'll have a chance to gather mid-week and enjoy a light meal and a Vespers service at The Downtown Church. The soup and bread meal will begin at 5:30pm and a short Vespers service will follow at 6:15pm. This is always a unique chance to gather, break bread, and remember we are on a journey together during Lent.
For anyone interested in membership at The Downtown Church, or anyone who just has some questions, our Next Steps Class is for you. Pastor Lori leads this class and can answer your questions about membership, the United Methodist Church, and our vision. It meets after worship on April 24, from 11:30am-1:30pm. Email us back if you'd like to attend.
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