Both/And. In the past year these words have shaped much of how I think about The Downtown Church. I love our sanctuary—its stained carpet, chipped paint, and water-marked walls remind me of the generations who have worshipped in this sacred space. And the events of the past year have taught us the absolute necessity of using technology to reach beyond our walls.
Both/And. Repairing and renovating rooms to hold the ministries of the church—children, our first ever youth group, and adults—with dedicated areas to learn and grow together. And creating a place where people in our community can gather.
Both/And. Giving resources and providing volunteers to local organizations to intentionally bring Christ to intersect with others in the community.
Both/And. Holding the middle ground for people who are willing to let our defining characteristic be the way we love as Christ loves. And making room for people seeking, questioning, or doubting to find acceptance in a divisive, chaotic, ever-changing world.
Many of you received an Estimate of Giving Card for 2022. Please pray and carefully consider how God is asking you to participate in growing our capacity to be both/and through the ministries of The Downtown Church. On Sunday, November 7, we ask you to return your card or mail it in so that together we will be able to make sound decisions for both our future as a church and our community. Join me in both having a front row seat to what the Holy Spirit is doing, and actively engaging in sharing the love of Jesus Christ.