In church work, as in everything, sometimes you get to spend money on fun things. Exciting things. Some days, though, you just spend money on kinda boring things. Operational things.
Well today is kind of a mixture of both of those things. Today, we are upgrading our parking lot lights to LED. We had been waiting until a few more lights went out to make the switch, and it finally happened. That might sound boring or dull to you, because it kinda is, but it's also exciting. It's part of our commitment to be a place where Christ and the community intersect. And trust me, our parking lot is a definite connecting point to the rest of downtown.
People park here to enjoy the Little Theatre, bars and restaurants, recovery groups, shoppers, visitors, and people who live in the apartments around us. And by investing in new lights, not only are we making our lot safer for different after-hours activities here at church (youth group, studies, Lenten Vespers), we are telling the rest of the community that we want you see us as an asset, a benefit to our neighbors and friends. The Downtown Church is not just a church in the community. We are a church for the community.
What other ways can we show our neighbors that we care in the years to come?
See you Sunday, Brian