What do you do when your understanding of God outgrows the box it came in?

This January we'll spend five weeks together talking about rebuilding, repairing, and maintaining faith. Please bring your own story, or just your questions, to one six discussion groups beginning January 14th. Sign up for a discussion group here, or just show up (to Sunday worship at 10:30 or to one of the groups below). We hope you'll come explore with us. It's okay to have questions.

  • Sunday Evenings 5:30–7:00, beginning 01/14, led by Seth Lancaster
  • Wednesday Mornings 10:00–11:30, beginning 01/17, led by Keith Owens & Heather Blair
  • Wednesday Evenings 6:30–8:00, beginning 01/17, led by Brent Bossi
  • Sunday Mornings (Seekers Class) 9:00–10:00, beginning 01/21, led by Jim Millsap
  • Sunday Mornings (Women's Class) 9:00–10:00, beginning 01/21, led by Diane Tucker
  • Sunday Mornings 9:00–10:00, beginning 01/21, led by Kris Keller

(Childcare will be provided Sunday mornings & evenings.)

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